In the serene town of Sioux Lookout, a heartwarming story unfolds that underscores the profound impact of OLYMPIA’s commitment to excellence in ice resurfacing technology. Among the community members, a young boy stands out for his...
Read moreNew electric ice resurfacing machines set to clean Cambridge rinks
The City of Cambridge has purchased two new electric ice resurfacing machines, to try and cut down on emissions inside local arenas. “It performs the same as a propane unit, but the operators don’t have the exhaust fumes to deal with...
Read moreNorth Cowichan goes green with Olympia electric ice resurfacer
Just in time for the New Year, it’s out with the old and in with the new at North Cowichan’s Fuller Lake Arena. The 12-year-old propane-powered Zamboni has been retired and replaced with a new Olympia electric ice resurfacer. Staff have dubbed...
Read moreOlympia in Washington Capitals Parade
An Olympia ice resurfacer was featured in the Washington Capitals Parade after their 2018 Stanley Cup win! You can read more in this opinion piece on the Washington Post.
Read moreOlympia Donated to Calabogie Community
In July of 2017, Resurfice donated an Olympia Ice Resurfacer to keep the ice pristine at the local rink of the Calabogie Community, in Greater Madawaska. We are always so proud to help communities come together and enjoy quality ice at the local...
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